
World Book Day March 24

I was lucky enough to be supply teaching in a Year 2 class on World Book Day this year. Great fun for me dressing up as a witch, many of my favourite stories include the character of a witch. I t ........

Magical Christmas Fairytale at Nostell Priory

Yesterday (28.12.23) We decided to pay a visit to the Fairytale Christmas Display at Nostell Priory which is quite local to us. I took a copy of my book to donate to the shop there and talked to the s ........

Book Reading at Primary School in Wakefield

It was great to go back to my roots and teach in a Year 1 class again. Such a lovely class with fantastic listening skills. They seemed to thoroughly enjoy listening to me read my story to them. They ........

Story reading at Angler's Country Park

I had such a lovely time on 7/4/23 sharing my children's story with familiar and new faces. The children listened so well and showed great enjoyment throughout my reading. It was wonderful to read my ........

Book signing at Frozen Film Show - Swillngton Church

Had a lovely afternoon on Sat 20th Nov 2022 at Swillington Church. Thanks to Neil Bramma,Swillington Parish council and Swillington church community for organising this event and inviting me to do a b ........


I had a great time at Victoria Garden Centre on Sunday 2nd October 2022 at my book signing. This was my second book signing which I arranged myself. It was so lovely to see old friends and colleague ........


On Sat 2nd July 2022 I completed my first book signing at Swillington Church. This is the place where I grew up and attended Primary School. It was lovely to be back in my hometown signing my first ........


Wow, how amazing is this. Another dream come true for me, a child dressed as a character from my book for World Book Day. Doesn’t she look fabulous? Brought a tear to my eye.


A fantastic celebration of books on World Book Day. My book was promoted and I had the chance to share it with four classes of children. They all enjoyed it and told me about their favourite parts o ........